Continue below to read my interview with the authors and be sure to follow this link - [TOUR SCHEDULE] to check out the rest of the stops on 'Arms of the Ocean' blog tour brought to you by Parliament House Press, Jamie Webster, M. Dalto, and Xpresso Book Tours!
![]() Arms of the Ocean
Interview with Jamie Webster & M. Dalto:
Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the blurb? Jamie: Well there's this party later in the book to celebrate Tris' arrival in Inara. It's one of my favourite parts and one turning point in the story. MB: There are so many good bits of dialogue between Tris and Imri that I can’t wait for people to read. Tell me something only you know about Tristaine. Jamie: Tris is definitely a dog person. What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book? Jamie: Hidden characters. It's funny how you'll be like ok here's all the characters that are in my book. Then you start writing and someone else pops up and you just have to go with it. MB: Character relationships seem to develop like this as well. Do you write listening to music? If so, what music inspired or accompanied Arms of the Ocean? Jamie: I find that I need music in order to focus on writing. I think the music helps quiet my inner editor. I had recently discovered Hamilton when I started writing this story with M. While writing Arms of the Ocean, I listened to Hamilton and The Astonishing by Dream Theater back to back. MB: I listen to music as I write, but it can only be songs I already know- anything new and I’ll get too distracted. The title for AOTO was actually inspired by a song. What is the future for the characters? Will there be a sequel? Jamie: I suspect this story will end up being a trilogy. I see Imri, Tris, and the gang journeying to The Realm in the next book. What about you M? MB: We definitely left the end of AOTO open with purpose. What is the most difficult part about writing for you? Jamie: Editing. I do not enjoy that process in the slightest. Not because of what I needed to cut, but it changes the way you look at your story. For me, to switch to editing mode, I'm looking at the literal words for the most part and then asking questions about what doesn't make sense. MB: Editing here, too, but more so because it means I have to almost rewrite my entire draft. I’m a fast-drafter so my writing is always minimalistic at first while I hash out the plot, so it’s the editing process that makes me flesh out those bare bones. Who is your favorite author and why? Jamie: Oh man, this is always a loaded question because I love so many books and series that it's hard to say. All time I'd have to say Lloyd Alexander. His stories are what made me even start reading fantasy. MB: Sarah J. Maas and Cassandra Clare will always have a special place in my heart. George R. R. Martin and Diana Gabaldon as well. ![]()
7/11/2020 05:22:03 pm
Thanks Giselle!
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